A Bug's Life is a movie from 1998 that follows the life of an ant named Flick. The ants have an agreement with grasshoppers, that if they collect enough food for them to eat
during fall they will not be killed. Unfortunately, Flick accidently knocks over the offering of months of food and puts everyone in danger. He is then sent out to look for help
to fight off the grasshoppers in the following months. He runs into circus acting bugs that are tricked into helping him defeat the grasshoppers. He gets pretty far in his plan but the
circus bugs realize that they are going to fight with their lives and decide to back off. Eventually they decide to stay and help. During an intense battle at the end the ants end up winning
and get freedom from the grasshoppers and continue living their ant lives. I have listed the main characters as well as who they are voiced by below.
- Flick played by Dave Foley
- Hopper played by Kevin Spacey
- Princess Atta played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus
- Heimlich played by Joe Ranft